Friday, October 3, 2008

1 point.

uh huh, I am SEXY (:
Yesterday was the basketball match FINAL. My SO - CALLED " ai ren's " team LOST.
You will never know how frigging freaking fcuking SAD I was yesterday. :(
They just lost by 1 point!
But, the match was very exciting though.
I clapped and cheered like a crazy woman!
I tried to take a shot of him but I failed.
Sighh :(
Only managed to shot his back, but still his back is so gorgeously SEXY.
After the match,
I wanted to take picture with him, but ..
My parents were there so I didn't do so.
IF my parents weren't there,
I bet I'll even ask for his jersey from him!
If I dare to. LOL.
Anyways, here are some of his pictures.

he's standing there waiting for the ball.
squatting & tie-ing his shoe lace.
OMG! Ain't his back so damn frigging sexy?!
uh huh, no.9 (: that's him!
A very blurred shot of him but still its HOT & NICE.

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